Monday, May 21, 2007

Is That Your Real Name?

Is that your real name?
People often ask if Winning is my real name or if I just use it because it's the name of my company Winning FairWays Inc. promotional products.

Well it is my name and has been since I was born many years ago, right in Vancouver BC.

All those years I worked in the Steel Service Centre Industry as Purchasing Manager mostly, then Sales Manager and eventually General Manager of a variety of very large companies that have since disappeared from business.

Nothing to do with me, all 'corporate' decisions back east or down south, some to cash in the huge inventories for money for other 0pportunities or others with just bad corporate decisions.

Anyway I met people named Steele and Rusty which fit right in to that business.

Not until I started my Trophy & Engraving shop did my name really fit into the business. Now that I am selling Promotional Products, Winning really fits in.

What a nice business this is. Awards, Recognition, Incentives, Attraction, Thank you's, etc. We just help people do the nice things they are doing for their players, employees, customers, suppliers.

It's our business to help people who want to help their own businesses succeed.

Call Rod Winning or
Promotional products don't make your business or event successful. They help them to be successful.

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