Monday, November 12, 2007

GET ON THE TRAIN Don't sit and watch it go by.

'Ideaspotting' How to find your next great idea, by Sam Harrison. It's one of those little books you keep handy as a manual.

'You can drift toward becoming the trainspotting type by sitting where you are, doing what you're doing and getting what your getting. Or you can start becoming an IdeaSpotter by climbing aboard. Because this train is leaving the station.

Want a new idea. Here's one.

A company called EYI at has been selling a eco/fuel saving product to individuals since Jan 2007 and have been so successful they have been awarded an new 'industrial' product aimed at big industry, transportation, shipping etc. Both these products reduce exhaust emissions greatly, improve fuel efficiency and save the users money. Well I figured out there are always going to be a majority of people sitting at the train station watching, and not that many of us getting on the train.

Call me about Ultimate ME2 and Mach3.
If you know someone that works in a company that uses a lot of fuel, please pass on the name
and number to me.

Rod Winning

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Grande Decaf to go please. Usually I drink while walking on the sidewalk or while driving on the road but this time I was still drinking it when I got home. Sitting by my computer, waiting for something to come up, I noticed 'The Way I See It #283' written on my cup.

That probably means I missed the first 282 messages that Starbucks put's on their take-out cups to inspire their customers. This is great stuff, quote:

'The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will." Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.' -- David Copperfield, magician.

Who ever said coffee isn't good for you..

Well I think treating all possibilities as probabilities will make you very successful, especially due to the law of attraction where what you think about becomes reality. Remember though, it doesn't work quite like that.
You actually have to do something towards you dream.
While you are considering all the probabilities before you, it is important to think about a plan of attack. How will these probabilities come about if you don't create some action? They won't just happen by magic. Well maybe they do for David Copperfield but the rest of us have to help things happen.

In the case of #283 the first action was to buy a coffee at Starbucks. I'll be sure to read my cup from now on. I like all the inspiration I can get.
10 action plan items to consider.
10 ways to act on probabilities to create an favourable end result.
By now you should be able to do it yourself. You've read enough, seen enough so let's get going.
Make up your own list of 10 things, then follow your own list. Let it be your guide to your dream.
Don't just sit there, do something or like they say down at Nike 'just do it'.

Rod Winning Promotional Products specialist

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Since April this year, I've passed on some tips and ideas that would help some of you with your businesses.

Most of these tips are things I've done or learned along the way.

I started a 'service' business where I performed a service and sold a product. I bought an engraving machine and started a trophies and engraving business in my garage, built it up

to a full time business with 3 employees and then sold it off 9 years later for a profit.

Everything went with the business so when I wanted to start my present business, Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products, I had to litterally start over. New suppliers, New Clients, New Products and a new way of selling.

I've looked back over my blogs and listed out the following,

10 Great Topics to help you with your business.

-The Ideal Customers

-The Theory of Recognition

-Timing, Timing, Timing

-The Next Great Idea


-Need to Succeed



-How to differentiate yourself

-It Takes a Community to Build a Business

I keep thinking that there has to be more to it
but I think if you keep doing the right things,
your business will grow.

Focus on your business. Don't get strung out with
more new ideas than you can handle with ease.
Have fun, network, get other people to help you
while you are helping them. Build your community.
call me anytime for promotional products or just to ask direction.

Friday, August 31, 2007

NETWORKWORKING USED TO BE FACE TO FACE - Email and the Internet have changed that..

Network marketing was generally face to face.

This is changing with the times.

Network marketing has taken on a whole new look. You may not even know your network contacts personally, only by phone, fax, email, etc.

Internet & Email puts you right in your customers home or office. Now of course you can put your picture on your correspondence and even describe yourself if you like. You can put your full profile and let out all or some ofyour 'secrets' right on your website 'blog' or 'ezine'.

The good part of this is that you become a real person to whoever reads it. They can already relate to you in one way or another. Good or bad.

People doing business with people. Let's get back to the topic.

I spent a long time in the Steel Service Centre industry and did big business with steel mills all over the world. I recall meeting and dealing with managers but often my own buyers would not meet the suppliers office salespeople they were dealing with on a day to day business. The only thing they had in common was the product and the fact that they both new their manager managers had met and made an arrangement.

Often times a company will have a relationship or contract with another company for supply of goods & services. This would appear to be company doing business with a company, but it is really people doing business with people. If the people can't make it work, the contract ends.

A great portion of your business can be done with your Long Distance Contact. Someone who trusts you do live up to what you've said. Business will often follow the contact person when they leave the company and go to a competitor or start their own business.

Live up to their expectations. Give them more than they asked for, more than you promised, more than they expected.

Networking! It's all about people helping people.

I'm Rod Winning Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products

Friday, August 24, 2007



Promotional Products help!!

Recognize and be recognized.

Wear a name badge wherever you go. Let other people know who you are

and what you do. Make it easy for them to remember you and your business.

Make it easy for them to approach and talk to you.

A little recognition goes a long way.

Whenever you give someone the 'pat on the back' attention, you will be remembered for giving the recognition. The event will pass and be forgotten but the gesture will remain.

When you help someone, you help yourself.

The importance of recognition.

Pay attention to the recognition process and it will take care of you.
Recognition causes friendly ripples in the pond of life. I think here, we are saying the same thing differently but the importance is there. It works for all concerned.

Recognition of an employee or a friend flows in every direction,
as does the imprinted promotional item.
It flows:
-Forward through the recipient to whoever they meet and talk to,
-Sideways to all the peers and fellows,
-Backwards to you,
-Friendly ripples.

Call Rod Winning for Promotional Products to assist in the success of your event.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF? 1 customer at a time!

19,200,000 that's the number when I google 'promotional products' even if I narrow it down to Vancouver BC 945,000.

How do I differentiate myself? How do I build a data base of customers? A clientel list?

Well the best way is to start with 1 customer and do a good job. If that works, we do the same for the next customer. Hopefully my customers will actually mention my name to other prospects and they could become customers.

The ball is rolling now so don't get in the way. Be a part of the prospects solution and they will become customers too.

Look after them all. We used to have a little poem

Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall,

Big or Small, we look after them all.

Well it's not shakespeare but you get the idea.

Look after the small orders and the big ones will surely follow. Then when you get big, remember who got you there. Still look after those pesky small orders. That's where you really help the client.

-Take care of the clients needs.

-Make it easy for the client to deal with you.

-Be up front and tell the client what you're doing.

-People dealing with People.

So when does it change from customer to client? Good question.

I think the customer evolved from being a prospect and then they finally bought something and became the customer.

Then a funny thing happens. You get to know the people you're dealing with and they get to know you and comes an intra-trust between you and your customer which I believe brings about the feeling and change from customer to client.

In the same way I think the client will no longer think of you a supplier but as 'our promotional products company'.


Always keep the pipeline full of propects so the customers can find you and the clients evolve.

Easy? No but it will happen with some steady effort on your part.

I'm Rod Winning
At we try to do all the above. It's working. Please check us out and put us on your list to be your "promotional products company".

Saturday, June 30, 2007

WHY WOULD PEOPLE BUY FROM YOUR COMPANY? There's lots of companies competing for the business.

My Company provides quality imprintable promotional products, from qualified manufacturers and suppliers with excellent delivery records.

My Company is ready to serve customers with quick, quality work. With personal visit and catalogs we continue to be competitive.

Why should you consider My Company?
There are many promotional products companies all competing vigorously, many offering the same products with excellent prices and service.

What does My Company offer that the others don’t?
The short answer is nothing

There are many similar companies that are just as good as My Company, by any objective measure.

But bear in mind the following. You didn’t search the world over to find your best friends. Your best friendships are fundamentally happy accidents.. chance combinations of compatibility, shared experience and time.

Likewise, it is meaningless to try & search out the “very best” possible promotional products supplier. A more appropriate approach is to verify that the company meets your technical & financial requirements, and then use your intuition about who you will be comfortable with.

Many business relationships are long distance affairs, by phone, fax and email, sometimes doing business for years without the people actually meeting face to face yet forming strong relationships.

At My Company a primary goal is to do business with people we like and respect.
Our plan—‘give the customer more than they expect’.

How does Your Company stack up?

My Company is Winning FairWays Inc. We sell Promotional Products for Success.

Yours in Networking

Rod Winning

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It Takes a Community to Raise a Successful Business

IT TAKES A COMMUNITY To Raise a successful business
It takes a community to raise a successful business. Everyone working in concert. Staff, Suppliers, Customers, IT, Couriers, Banking, Family, everybody.

Do you really know what you want for your business or even from your business? Once you decide, and I'm not really the guy to tell you what you need, you will want to find a way to reach your goals. Everyone knows that you need a goal and a plan. Pretty easy to say but not so easy to do. Might as well get at it, just write it down now and head off in the right direction. Remember, the goal keeps changing. When you think you're getting close to your goal, take another look at where you started and where you want to be.
Things change eh?

My business is aimed at helping people who are helping themselves. Helping yourself probably started when you first had the idea to be in business or when you took on that new job.

If you want to get yourself and your business noticed amongst the crowd of competitors, suppliers and customers, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to promote your product, company or event, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to reward your faithful, loyal, hardworking, innovative employees, try rewards through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to be remembered and stand out at a Trade Show event, try promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to succeed in general, try a promotional products program directed to the target. Just one target at a time? That's up to you. Who or what is the Target, your Target?

The target is the person you need on your side all the way to reaching your goals. The target is not just a customer but it is a supplier, tradesman, IT person, key employee, general help employee, their families, your family and friends.The target is the community in which you live and work.


Do you see the comparison?
Call Rod Winning
Rod Winning is the president of Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products for Success
Rod has a background in business. contact at

Idea Spotting - Tightly linked to Networking

While looking at new products & suppliers, and gathering speed for our Promotional Products business, I came across a neat book at Chapters.

I've been reading this book called - 'Ideaspotting' How to find your next great idea, by Sam Harrison.

It's one of those little books you can read and keep handy as a manual. 18 chapters with several sub chapters each, filled with life experience, how to, suggestions, self tests, pictures and diagrams, this book will be on my desk for a long time.

Sam's opening page is 'Be an Idea Spotter not a Trainspotter'.
'You can drift toward becoming the trainspotting type by sitting where you are, doing what you're doing and getting what your getting.
Or you can start becoming an IdeaSpotter by climbing aboard. Because this train is leaving the station.'

The first chapter (like all chapters) has a unique title.

Where, Why, When, What & How.

Even some encouraging words in the title of the last chapter. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING WE'VE TALKED ABOUT.

I'll keep this book handy for ideas on how to get new ideas. The promotional products business is everchanging. Our customers are forcing us to change as most customers want something different than the last order. What's new?

Any way I look at it, we'll always be looking for that new idea so I guess we'd better be looking around at all times. If we get complacent and comfortable with our current successes, we could find ourself slowly drifting out of the loop.

Surround yourself with the right network of people you require for the particular service or product you have.

It is important to know that you can have several networks going at the same time. Not everybody is interested in everything you do just like you are not necessarily interested in everything all your network people do.

ie You may have a musical interest & business and have created a network which works very well for give and get.

You may also be involved with a multi-level sales organization and find that your products / services aren't suited for everyone in your 'musical' network. Simply start another network of people for that interest. Your data base for each network could include some of the same people but each network would be a different list.

I wanted make an opinion about 'Ideaspottin' being linked tightly to Networking. Don't sit by the railway tracks and watch the trains go by. Get on that train. Look around, meet people and see what's out there.

At Promotional Products 101 we'll keep on 'IdeaSpotting' thanks to Sam Harrison.

I'm Rod Winning contact me at

Friday, June 15, 2007

You Are The Networker - how to get it done

Ready Target - Ready Aim Network
Not having any success networking?Are you actually networking or are you just going to a lot of meetings?

I sell promotional products. Virtually anything imprinted to be given to a target audience.

My customers could be literally anyone from the elementary school volleyball team to a multi-national corportation, and anywhere in between.

My target is wide to the extreme.

To effectively network, YOU ARE THE NETWORKER.

You talk to people about your business and learn about thier business. They will hopefully refer their network of acquaintences to you while you can refer your network of friends to them.

Sounds pretty easy but of course it's not. You'll collect and hand out a lot of cards.
Contact by follow ups via email or phone, and sometimes refer one contact to another contact.

It takes time but it's worth it to build that data base.

Try targeting the areas of business you'd like to attract. I don't mean that you don't talk to people who aren't on your target list, but just try to make sure you're at the right meetings, luncheons, associations, clubs, charities, etc.

Be seen and heard where ever you go.

Have your elevator speech memorized.

The 6 degrees of separation is a revolutionary concept putting each of us a max of only 6 people away from any one with whom we'd like to talk.

Plan and Network towards your Target.

Promotional Products can be used in networking. There are lots of inexpensive items like pens and scratch pads emblazoned with your name and products which say to the prospect

'Remember me when I've gone.'

While you're networking, remember me. I'm Rod Winning

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Do I Need to Succeed? - Get Noticed?
What do I have to do to get noticed?
Do I need a promotional product?

Tired of keeping on keeping on. Let's make some changes in the way we do things.
Let's get noticed. But just how am I going to do it?

What works best for me and my product or service?

Well, some people are comfortable to put the ad in the yellow pages, some local newspapers and set up a website, then wait for the phone to ring.

That's okay if it's working well for you but you may want to add the Networking effect where you volunteer in strategic places and network with the people there.

Strategically sponsor teams and put your business card ad in special programs.

Networking doesn't happen to you.
You have to network. Plan or just let it happen but make sure you are the networker.

When you go to a luncheon, you move around, introduce yourself, trade cards and move on.

You will soon figure out who you need to talk to in the room.

Always remember that networking is not direct selling.

You want the other person to know what you do but you must also find out what they do. The whole idea in networking is to help others while they help you.

I just about forgot... Promotional Products are always a great value for your dollar. Any item you choose (and budget) goes directly to the target.
What or Who is your TARGET?
I'll cover that again in another blog.

There is probably more questions here than answers but if you're like me, you probably already have the answers, you just have to remember to ask yourself the questions.

Ever go to a motivational speaker event and find that everything the famous speaker
said, you already knew. Common sense is everywhere. Ask yourself the questions, you'll surprise yourself when you find out how much you know.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, email
That's Rod Winning

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Who or what inspires you.


From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma

When I first read Robin Sharma book, I more like studied it
rather than read it. There is a nice little story in there but
there is much more wisdom than you can pick up just reading
it like a novel. No other book of mine has so much markings in it.
Not to mention the lists of info I wrote separately.

This quotation from the book became my mantra.
I have an engraved plate which I keep close, just in
case I need a little more inspiration.
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some
Extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their
Bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your
Conciousness expands in every direction and you find
Yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant
Forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover
Yourself to be a greater person than you ever
Dreamed yourself to be."

Patanjali – A Great Indian Philosopher
Wow, wasn't that worth it?
Rod Winning Winning Fairways Inc. promotional products for success

Monday, May 21, 2007

Is That Your Real Name?

Is that your real name?
People often ask if Winning is my real name or if I just use it because it's the name of my company Winning FairWays Inc. promotional products.

Well it is my name and has been since I was born many years ago, right in Vancouver BC.

All those years I worked in the Steel Service Centre Industry as Purchasing Manager mostly, then Sales Manager and eventually General Manager of a variety of very large companies that have since disappeared from business.

Nothing to do with me, all 'corporate' decisions back east or down south, some to cash in the huge inventories for money for other 0pportunities or others with just bad corporate decisions.

Anyway I met people named Steele and Rusty which fit right in to that business.

Not until I started my Trophy & Engraving shop did my name really fit into the business. Now that I am selling Promotional Products, Winning really fits in.

What a nice business this is. Awards, Recognition, Incentives, Attraction, Thank you's, etc. We just help people do the nice things they are doing for their players, employees, customers, suppliers.

It's our business to help people who want to help their own businesses succeed.

Call Rod Winning or
Promotional products don't make your business or event successful. They help them to be successful.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Next Great Idea - Cheap, Different or useful (choose 2 ?)

My customers are always looking for that next great idea.
They generally want something they haven't bought or used
before so they can give thier customers or prospects something

Some people want something useful as well.

The other thing they need is a cheap price.

Let me see, Different, Useful, Cheap.

It's hard to get it all. When I had the Trophy & Engraving business
we offered a choice of 2 of the following.

-High Quality
-Dependable Delivery
-Cheap Price

It's hard to pick the 2 that you want.

Let's see

Same thing, hard to pick the right 2 items isn't it.

While I'm telling you this, I better let you know now that there
are products that fall into this category but once the customer has
bought them, they are no longer different.

Let's go with being not different.. Maybe we show some continuity
with the customer / prospect / staff / etc. Maybe we could use
the same item but change the logo / text / colour / etc.
Maybe the result would be an appreciation for the continuity of
item from that supplier. Get known for that item. Start a collection.
Have a contest for the complete collection. Whatever comes to mind.

How many ways can you get your prospect to look at the cheap, different
and useful item you gave them?

Call me for ideas Rod Winning

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Help others to be ecologically friendly. cloth shopping bags

Cloth, Imprintable reusable eco friendly shopping bags
Eco friendly shopping bags - plastic bags banned. Tofino BC is looking at a plastic bag tax as a way to reduce plastic in the landfill. Leaf Rapids, Manitoba banning plastic bags.Rossland BC banning plastic shopping bags Ireland has a plastic bag levy since 2002 and reduced use by 90%. It will take a desire from businesses to offer alternatives and a desire from customers to consider how they can make a difference.

Shop owners want thier customers to walk out of thier store with the store logo/name advertised throughout the mall.

Ladner village (Delta BC) is looking at more ways to become eco friendly.

The promotional products industry for years has been selling custom imprinted tote bags which will be reusable and which will carry the logo / message of the supplier.These have always been a good promotion tool.

Imagine your name, logo and message being carried to the shopping mall, packed with goods, taken home, unpacked and put back in the car for the next trip. These could last literally forever. People will also develop their favourite bag. Just like ladies have their favourite purse.

How do you want to be seen? Like you're doing something to help? or like you don't care?

Call for pictures of bags and pricing for imprinting of logo and shows some promotional products pictures.With Gratitude. Rod Winning

Friday, April 27, 2007

Timing, Timing, Timing (not location, location, location)

10 steps to achieving max performance –through recognition, a key to promotional products 101

1. Timing, Timing, Timing. (Not Location, Location, Location)

2. Quality (not cheap, does the trick)

3. Appropriateness (choose the award to match the event)

4. First Impression, Last Impression

5. Corporate Image

6. Achievability of contests or programs

7. Image building. Communicate/advertise the program, the winners

8. Reciprocation creates obligation payoff – repayment

9. Consistency exudes reliability

10. Focus on your
- Business
- Product
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Employees.

Focus on each one, one at a time.

Remember these items as Promotional Products 101 hopefully takes us through all the reasons and results of well executed presentations.

Call Rod Winning

Monday, April 23, 2007

INUKSHUKS - a symbol of dependence on strong relationships.

INUKSHUKS have become a great promotional product gift which carries many very good and intentional meanings.

Although the original sign posts are found in North West Territories and the Arctic, they have become popular all over Canada and have been adopted by
the West Coast with a giant Inukshuk in Vancouver overlooking English Bay. Even the 2010 Olympic's has chosen it as their symbol.

The most popular Inukshuks are made from frosted glass blocks and built into shape from 2" high to 11" high. They have become popular as Awards of excellence, Corportate team building, Sports achievement or just gifts from visitors.

The Inukshuks we sell are made in Vancouver BC Canada.

We always include a card which tells the story of the Inukshuk. The stories vary but have the same relative meaning.

Stone figures built to resemble humans, Inukshuks originally found along Canada’s northern shores are now popular in B.C. and throughout Canada. Built as landmarks to aid in navigation, the Inukshuk has been adopted as a symbol to remind us of our dependence on each other and the value of strong relationships.
We value the Inukshuk an important promotional product.
Call for info and pictures Rod Winning

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who Get's It? - I mean, Who gets the recognition?

When promotional products are used to recognize things, people, events, etc., everyone gets it..

The Recipients
The Winner
The Also Rans
The Participants
The Donors & Patients
The Employers & Corporations
The Employees & Families
The Coaches & Trainers
The Buyers & Promoters
The Customers & Prospects

The plan – give everyone more than they expect.
Just be nice to them
Recognize their effort.
It’s an investment.

Recognition must not only be done but it must be seen to be done.
Have you been recognized lately.
Have you recognized anyone lately.
The more recognition you give, the more you receive.
A little recognition goes a long way.
Stand and be recognized.
How many ways to recognize??
How many ways to get recognition??
I think everyone gets the idea about recognition.
Use it wisely but use it.
It's a big tool.
Call Rod Winning at Winning FairWays for more info or promotional products ideas.
Recognition doesn't have to cost a lot. The payoff is many fold.
With Gratitude Rod

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My 'THEORY OF RECOGNITION' questions & answers thoughts & ideas

THE THEORY OF RECOGNITION - How do Promotional Products help??

Recognize and be recognized. A little recognition goes a long way. The importance of recognition. Pay attention to the recognition process and it will take care of you.
Recognition causes friendly ripples in the pond of life.

Recognition of an employee or a friend flows in every direction,

as does the imprinted promotional item.

Forward through the recipient to who ever they meet and talk to,

Sideways to all the peers and fellows,

Backwards to you,

Friendly ripples.

Call Rod Winning for the Promotional Products which will help in the success of your event or requirement.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Imprint and be recognized. If you put your name on it, you will be recognized.

Our promotional product is ‘recognition’

The Dictionary says about “Recognition”
The act of recognizing , or the state of being recognized..
Friendly notice..
Acknowledgment and acceptance on the part of one government of the independence of another..
An obligation of record, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear and answer..
A sum of money deposited as surety for fulfillment of such act or obligation, and foreited by its nonperformance
To perceive as identical with someone or something previously known..
To identify, as by previous experience: I recognize good work when I see it.
To perceive as true: To recognize the facts in a case..
To acknowledge the independence and validity of, as a newly constituted government.
To indicate appreciation or approval of..
To regard as valid or genuine: To recognize a claim..
To give ( someone ) permission to speak, as in a legislative body.
To admit the aquiantance of ; Greet.

Gratitude (907 Roget’s)
Reward (962 Roget’s)
Discovery, Invention, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Take cognizance of, distinguishable, intelligibility.

Well that's a lot about recognition. Call me to put your name on any item and send it out
to be recognized. Promotional Products are all about recognition. Rod Winning

Friday, April 13, 2007

WHAT?? Have your people call our people?? No! YOU CALL ME!!

Businesses don’t do business with businesses. People do business with people.

When you’re looking for an idea for promotional products for an upcoming event, it makes sense to talk to an ‘expert’, someone who you can bounce ideas off and create the right item for the particular occasion. Whether it’s a Trade Show give-away item for maximum return at lowest cost or a Year End Thank You item for preferred customers, clients or even suppliers, there are many choices.

Besides, there is a lot more to this than just the item. There is a variety of choices for imprinting and packaging to consider and then of course delivery. All this and the budget to meet. You really want no surprises once you’ve placed your order. You really want to feel confident that everything will arrive as and when planned.

We say ‘your ideas and our experience’ should equal the right choice. It has alway been our policy to make it easy to deal with us. Call me.

Call Rod Winning and feel that confidence.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fun, cheap and they promote like gold

My Zoogee products are a very inexpensive way to mass promote events. Photo Quality Full Colour Domed promotional products, this unique range of items is designed to provide a simple solution for any promotional or marketing event for a variety of opportunities (and industries) including:

Golf Tournaments - Tourism Boards - Sporting Events - Raising School Spirit - Awareness - Corporate Stores - Retail - Realty Companies - Business or Trade Shows - Corporate Identity -Collectibles - and on and on.

You name it and there's a zoogee to do the job. Nice packaging, good 'no surprise' pricing.

Take a look at the website, and then call
Rod Winning
phone 604-946-0644

Send your logo and message along with the promotional product item number an I will return a free electronic sample of your item so you can see just how it will look.
At Winning FairWays we provide a wide variety of quality products from selected qualified suppliers to ensure the you get 'More than you'd expect'.
With Gratitude, Rod Winning

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Eco friendly shopping bags - plastic bags banned

Ladner village (Delta BC) is looking at ways to become an eco friendly community.

Tofino is looking at a plastic bag tax as a way to reduce plastic in the landfill.

Leaf Rapids, Manitoba banning plastic bags.

Ireland has a plastic bag levy since 2002 and reduced use by 90%.

It will take a desire from businesses to offer alternatives and a desire from customers to consider how they can make a difference.

The promotional products industry for years has been selling custom imprinted tote bags which will be reusable and which will carry the logo / message of the supplier.

These have always been a good promotion tool. Imagine your name, logo and message being carried to the shopping mall, packed with goods, taken home, unpacked and put back in the car for the next trip. These could last literally forever. People will also develop their favourite bag. Just like ladies have their favourite purse.

How do you want to be seen? Like you're doing something to help? or like you don't care?

Call for pictures of bags and pricing for imprinting of logo and message. shows some promotional products pictures.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What Promotional Products should I buy and why?

It's hard to believe that with 800,000 promotional products available it's difficult to decide which are the items to for you.

Ranging from cheap (less expensive) giveaway items to nice Calculators and USP Flash Cards to fancy embroidered wearables like Ball Caps and Leather Jackets as well as Luggage, Artwork, Drinkware, Umbrellas, Wristbands/Lanyards, Lapel pins, Medals, Coins, Belt Buckles and on, they are really a platform for your MESSAGE / LOGO.

Any one of these items imprinted, will carry your message to the target.

All you have to do is decide what the target is and set your aim for it. Do the homework before you start looking through catalogs. Decide the following
  • Who is your target
  • What is your message
  • How much is your budget
  • Why are you doing this
  • When is your event and when will you require delivery

Using Promotional Products in your business or organization can be very beneficial.

Don't leave this job to the new person in the office. Pay attention and get the most bang for your well spent dollars.
Call Rod for ideas and information.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Ideal Customer for Promotional Products

Is there really an ideal customer?

  • 800,000 promotional products 101 available.

  • Huge market from the largest multi national corporations to the local church youth group.

  • Many event requirements such as:
    Annual Employee Awards - Incentives for customers - Trade Show promotions - Sports Day ribbons - Thank you gifts for charitable donations -Gratitude to customers and employees -
    Recognition and Appreciation. makes it as easy as possible for the customer to make the decision and to feel comfortable with quality of goods and promised delivery.

    I'm sure there are a few multi national companies who buy huge quantities of promotional products on a monthly basis and have them delivered all over the world. Now that is an ideal customer! 1 customer, 1 product, many delivery points, orders placed regularly.

Call for discussion, pricing or catalogs

With Gratitude,
Rod Winning

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Promotional Products 101

Since 1998, I've been selling some promotional products but my main business was trophies & engraving. It was a 'nice' business with all customers buying gifts, rewards, recognition items, etc and always pleased with their choices. It was limiting due to the machinery and staff which both had to be maintained. We also had the limits of working from our home. The garage was a bee-hive of industry until Feb 2007. The operating business has been sold and moved to a business location and I'm sure they will have a great time with it and continue to be successful.

That's history though, now we have assembled a list top suppliers of quality promotional products, set up accounts, collected the sales catalogs an samples and have been spending time with my favourite pastime, networking. I'll speak about networking in another message.

Already there have been satisfied customers of the new business and lots of saying they'll keep our information. There's a lot to learn about when you get into a new business. Who would have known all the styles, fabrics, attachments, sizes, shapes, colours, adornments, closures, history, etc of ball caps. Wow, that's just ball caps. What about the rest of the 800,000 items available to the industry.

I'll be back with more interesting and hopefully educational stuff with Promotional Products 101